all world architecture: 20 Buildings That Seemingly Could Collapse In A Second

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

20 Buildings That Seemingly Could Collapse In A Second

1. Trojan House (Melbourne, Australia)
Incredible architecture from across the world that leave you wondering: “How does this building still stand up?”
2. Abu Dhabi Hyatt (Abu Dhabi)
3. Wooden  Gagster House ( Archangelsk , Russia )
4. Kunsthaus ( Graz , Austria )
5. The Puerta de Europa towers (Madrid, Spain)
6. House  Attack ( Viena , Austria )
7. Casa da  musica ( Porto , Portugal )
8. Habitat  67 ( Montreal , Canada )
9. Crooked house. (Sopot, Poland)
10. Cubic houses (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
11.  Museum Ripley’s Believe It or Not! (Near Niagara Falls in Canada)
12. Ripley’s Building (Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada)
13. Stata Center (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)
14. Dancing Building (Prague, Czech Republic)
15. Errante Guest House (Chile)
16. Pabellon de Aragon (Zaragoza)
17. The Mushroom House (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA)
18. UCSD Geisel Library (San Diego, California, United States)
19. Puzzling World (Wanaka, New Zealand)
20. Szymbark (Pomorze, Poland)


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